Saturday, August 25, 2012

Revelation 14

After I got dressed again and was released from the infirmary, I had a special invitation by the man himself, L.G. Probably not a good sign.

I was right.

I was made to go through a Door that was more ornate than usual, and found myself in a large chamber, with ground to ceiling mirrors on every wall. On the ceiling was a depiction of the Wicked Witch of the West from the original book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Her eye was reflected in all the mirrors unto infinity.

It reminded me of Judgment. He was once a normal man, but the Eye chose him. Now he serves as its agent in the world. No one is sure where he goes or what exactly he does, just that it involves killing people. The only human side to him left is that sometimes the sound of a guitar is heard emanating from his quarters.

“Hello,” said a voice. “I am Legion.”

“That’s what L.G. stands for?” I asked sheepishly. “Or are you just a secretary or something?”

“I am he. You can also call me Mr. Mirror, if you like.” He didn’t seem all that angry or perturbed. Apparently my summons wasn’t so he could chew me out.

“Why’d you call me here?” I asked.

“To tell you why it is very important that you do your work, and do it thoroughly, Mr. Adams.”

He came into the light and I started. Legion or Mr. Mirror or whatever the hell he wanted me to call him was covered in what looked like fresh wounds, but they didn’t seem to bother him. I swear I could see movement of little tiny insects or something in them. But worse, and what bothered me far more, was that he had no legs.

His top half was human, but his bottom half was that of a serpent.

“Do not be alarmed,” he said. “I am simply Their servant.”

“Why? Why would you agree to become something like this?

He twitched involuntarily for a moment. “To be perfectly honest, I was somewhat tricked into this position. I cannot remember why exactly I agreed to go to the place, but in the long run, it has been no trouble. Once they took me to the Eye, I was shown the truth.

“Behind me is a large vault within which are stored 2000 of the Ancient Relics that will repair and release our God. I was able to vanquish the many Holders through the powers They lent me. It was almost a breeze, really. Just a matter of a few hundred left to go. And word is that most of them are being closed in on as we speak. To be sure, some of them will be claimed by our Enemies, but we have agents on standby to retrieve them.”

I asked, “Why do you want to sow chaos in the world? Why is all this work, including mine, so important to you? If everything is meaningless as you say, why not leave well enough alone?”

“Because we all have done wrong. Look at nature. Creatures constantly killing and maiming each other, mothers eating their own children, predator toying with prey. We humans are the biggest bastards of them all. Nothing deserves to exist. And no amount of so-called ‘good’ will ever make up for it. Even the Entities themselves have done unspeakable, unimaginable wrong. Nothing deserves to exist. And so shall it be. When He comes. A void.”

Just then a thought occurred to me. “Why all this organization and control, if you’re promoting Chaos and Disorder to the point that everything breaks apart, why run such a tight operation?”

“Efficiency and Order are necessary to defeat Order itself. Long terms plans must be made or no progress will be gained. Once Order is conquered, Chaos can rule unbridled.”

Letting his words sink in, he continued, his voice now stern instead of friendly, “You will do your job, no questions asked, from now on or Judgment will come down upon you prematurely. Don't fuck with me, Frank!

“Look at it this way, you rboss’s boss Mr. Nakamura used to be a psychiatrist. He, too, was brought against his will. But he’s not complaining! He’s getting the job done! And a certain former patient of his is being groomed to join us as well. She’ll be a great asset to the team, being a Receiver. Just as we chose you, Frank.”

“But why did you choose me?”

“That is our business alone. Now will you do as you are commanded?”

I paused, thinking it all over. It wasn’t right. What I’d already done wasn’t right. No more.


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